Who was Urho Kekkonen?
During World War II, Finland remained officially neutral, but aligned with
Nazi Germany against the Soviet Union in the Continuation War of 1941 - 44.
As a result, they were forced to pay hefty war reparations to the Soviets
when the war ended. However, Finland was able to keep its Independence
thanks in the main to the political skills of its leaders. The role of
President Urho Kekkonen cannot be understated - or can it? Many of
Kekkonen's actions are proving controversial in modern Finland. An
extremely ambivalent figure, he frequently outmanoeuvred his rivals by
pulling the 'Moscow card' when his authority was threatened. The next
moment he did the same thing, this time saying no-one else could build
strong trade relations with Western Europe. He was the only one who could
take care of Moscow.
Starting with his childhood, Kekkonen's life is
controversial. He allegedly claimed that he grew up in a poor farmhouse
without a chimney. However, it was later found out that the photographic
evidence to back up this claim was fake. The chimney had simply been
airbrushed out of the photographs depicting Kekkonen's childhood home.
During the Finnish Civil War, Kekkonen fought for the White
Guard and led a firing squad in Hamina. He personally admitted to killing a
man in battle, but denied participating in the mass execution of Red troops
carried out by his squad. However, a photograph taken at the time suggests
that Kekkonen was present during the execution.
good friend of mine and ‘amateur historian’ Petteri Rosvall writes: “A
scoundrel or a hero, a political opportunist or a great Statesman? Probably
both. Finland prospered under Kekkonen, but, he WAS a kind of dictator who
never hesitated to play the Soviet card in domestic politics. A ladies' man
extraordinaire, one time Finnish high jump champion (1.85 m
in 1924) a great writer, a turncoat, a traitor, a secret policeman, a
freedom fighter, and executioner, an icon for my generation.” He goes on to
suggest that a film should be made of Kekkonen’s life with Ben Kingsley in
the lead role and Jack Black as his drunken sidekick, Ahti Karjalainen. Max
Jakobson, a Finnish historian, uses even stronger language, characterizing
Kekkonen as “a saviour of the fatherland or a Faust who sold his soul to the
the Helsingin Sanomat International Edition published on 30 March, 2005,
Teemu Luukka wrote that he had received a startling e-mail. “It contained
an extract from a book published in the United States in 2000, according to
which the Russians had used something called a ‘friendship drug’ on Finnish
President Urho Kekkonen and the leadership of the Finnish Communist Party.”
This may not be as far-fetched as it sounds. From the start Kekkonen had
ruled with the assumption that the Soviet Union accepted
only him. Through the defection of Oleg Gordievsky and the opening of the
Soviet archives it is now known that keeping Kekkonen in power was the main
aim of the Soviet Union in its relations with Finland.
History has proven that Kekkonen would do almost anything to ensure the
survival of Finland; including licking the Soviets' boots (for as long as it
took). Twenty years after his death and sixteen years after the collapse of
the Soviet Union history is repeating itself. Finland is once again licking
the boots of the great Bear, Russia, but they are not alone. This time it
is for gas and petrol, and the rest of Europe's leaders are doing the same
Bangle’s is the owner of Talking English language consultancy and can
be contacted at mike.bangle(at)phnet.fi
Word List
controversial |
kiistanalainen |
ambivalent |
kaksiarvoinen |
to outmanoeuvre |
taitavammin kuin, päihittää |
rival |
allegedly |
väitetään että |
chimney |
savupiippu |
airbrushed out |
pyyhkiä |
to depict |
kuvata |
firing squad |
teloittuskomennuskunta |
scoundrel |
roisto |
to hesitate |
epäröidä |
turncoat |
takinkääntäjä |
traitor |
petturi |
executioner |
teloittaja |
icon |
ikoni |
sidekick |
apuri, kaveri |
startling |
yllättävä |
far-fetched |
kaukaa haettu
assumption |
oletus |
defection |