As a former student at Sunderland
University, before moving to Finland, I assumed that SISU was an
acronym for Sunderland International Students Union. Was I wrong?
Apparently yes. An internet search revealed that SISU is actually
an acronym for Small Islands for Survival and Understanding a
project in the archipelago area of Northern Europe, aimed at
creating an international network for islands and villages situated
in the archipelago that experience similar problems.
Of course sisu has an entirely
different meaning for Finnish people. The question is, how is sisu
translated into English and is an Englishman who does not speak
Finnish qualified to define sisu?
The closest direct translation is ‘to
have guts’. The slightly longer translation being a combination of
strength of will, stamina, determination, perseverance, mental
toughness, a strong work ethic and acting rationally in the face of
According to the online encyclopaedia,
Wikipedia, sisu has a long-term element in it; it is not momentary
courage, but the ability to sustain it. To anthropologist, it is an
appropriate expression for a cold northern land, with thousands of
lakes, and long under threat of being overwhelmed, militarily,
linguistically and otherwise, by more powerful neighbours. Similar
concepts exist among other cold-weather peoples, such as the Inuit
and Chukchi.
Due to its cultural significance, Sisu
has spawned many brand names in Finland. For example, there are
Sisu trucks (now part of Renault) and armoured vehicles; Sisu Diesel
engines; a brand of strong-tasting sweets manufactured by Leaf; and
even a nationalist political organisation Suomen Sisu.
One of Scandinavia's most prominent
contemporary music ensembles is SISU percussion. Established in
1993. They represent contemporary music of the highest quality,
authored by both Norwegian and international composers. While in
Sweden, there is a sports bookshop called Sisu Idrottsböcker. There
is even a mountain in the Antarctic discovered by climber Veikka
Gustafsson called Mount Sisu.
Farther-a-field, Sisu Services’
founder and president, Asko Ruuska was born in Finland, but
emigrated to America as a teenager. After spending almost 20 years
working for others in the aircraft brake and wheel overhaul
industry, he decided to muster a little "sisu", and started Sisu
In Canada SISU Pharmaceutical
distributes to over 1,400 Canadian Health Supplement Retailers.
Other Sisu companies include; Sisu Professional Consulting
(England); Sisu Lighting (America); Sisu Candles (Canada) and SISU
Rallysports (America) to name but a few. In China, there is even an
organisation SISU, aiming to provide higher quality and service to
the local and international cycling community.
Sisu normally has very positive
connotations. However, there is a ‘bad’ sisu (Finnish paha sisu)
which means malice combined with ruthlessness and implacability.
This kind of sisu is often associated with politicians, public
officials and other persons in a position of authority. Such people
stubbornly refuse to admit that they have made a mistake or been
negligent even in the face of overwhelming evidence against them.
Although the word sisu is uniquely
Finnish, anyone with the persistence, determination and resolve to
continue and overcome adversity can be said to have sisu – even an
Finally, younger readers, will best
know sisu as Simo Sisu the Chief of Police in the Donald Duck
Mike Bangle is the owner of Talking
English language consultancy and can be contacted at mike.bangle(at)phnet.fi
Word List
former |
entinen |
to assume |
olettaa |
acronym |
kirjainsana (esim.UNESCO) |
to reveal |
osoittaa |
to define |
määritellä |
stamina |
sitkeys |
determination |
päättäväisyys |
perseverance |
sitkeys |
toughness |
vahvuus |
work ethic |
työmoraali |
adversity |
vastoinkäyminen |
to sustain |
pitää yllä |
overwhelmed |
vallata |
Inuit |
pohj.Kanadassa ja Grönlannissa |
Chukchi |
siperialainen kansa |
to spawn |
synnyttää |
brand |
tavaramerkki |
truck |
kuorma-auto, rekka |
armoured vehicle |
ajoneuvo |
percussion ensemble |
lyömäsoitinyhtye,-kokoonpano |
to overhaul |
huoltaa |
to muster |
koota |
to distribute |
jakaa |
retailer |
vähittäiskauppias |
connotation |
sivumerkitys |
malice |
pahanilkisyys |
ruthlessness |
häikäilemättömyys |
implacability |
leppymättömyys |
stubbornly |
itsepäisesti |
negligent |
välinpitämätön |
evidence |
näyttö |
persistence |
peräänantamattomuus |