The Simpsons
“I feel like a
chicken already, I just made an egg in my pants!” - Bart Simpson.
Why do I like the
Simpsons? Could it be that it has featured the music of my favourite band,
Blue Oyster Cult, twice? Most notably in the 2001 Season Premiere, Homer
displays a medallion with the BOC logo on it and “Don't Fear the Reaper”’
was played over the closing credits. The truth is, I like the Simpsons
because the witty dialogue and the hilarious animations frequently cause me
to laugh out aloud.
“D-oh! why do
things that happen to stupid people keep happening to me?” – Homer
The Simpsons is
an animated American sitcom. It is a satirical parody of "Middle America”
epitomised by its dysfunctional title family. The show is set in the
fictional town of Springfield, and lampoons many aspects of the human
condition, American culture, society as a whole and even television itself.
Homer, the
father, works as a safety inspector at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant -
a position at odds with his careless, buffoonish personality. He is married
to Marge Simpson, a stereotypical American housewife and mother. They have
three children: Bart (an anagram of brat) a ten-year-old troublemaker; Lisa,
a precocious eight-year-old activist; and Maggie, a baby who rarely speaks,
but communicates by sucking on a dummy. The family owns a dog, Santa’s
Little Helper, and a cat, Snowball II. Despite the passing of yearly
milestones such as holidays or birthdays, the Simpsons do not physically
“Since when
are public figures fair game for satire?” – Mr Burns
The Simpsons
debuted on 17 December 1989 and it has aired 404 episodes over 18 seasons
(as of 20 March 2006). The 19th season aired in American at the
end of 2007. The Simpsons movie, a feature-length film, was released
worldwide on 26 July last year.
The show has been
dubbed into several languages, including Japanese, German, Spanish, and
Swedish. The Simpsons has been broadcast in Arabic, but due to Islamic
customs, numerous aspects of the show have been changed. For example, Homer
drinks soda instead of “Duff” beer and eats Egyptian beef sausages instead
of hot dogs. The Simpsons movie appeared in Finland both in the original
language and dubbed.
Flanders you’re a genius!” - Homer
Thanks to its
huge following, Mark Liberman, the director of the American Linguistic Data
Consortium, commented that "The Simpsons has apparently taken over from
Shakespeare and the Bible as our culture's greatest source of idioms,
catchphrases and sundry other textual allusions." The most famous is
Homer's annoyed grunt: "D'oh!" So ubiquitous is the catchphrase that it is
now listed in the Oxford English Dictionary, but without the apostrophe (dooh:
a way of saying, ‘god you're so dumb!’).
“How is
education supposed to make me feel smarter? Besides, every time I learn
something new, it pushes some old stuff out of my brain. Remember when I
took that home winemaking course, and I forgot how to drive?” - Homer
The show was
controversial from its beginning. The rebellious lead character at the
time, Bart, frequently received no punishment for his misbehaviour, which
led some parents and American conservatives to characterize him as a poor
role model for children.
The Simpsons
writing team consists of sixteen writers who propose episode ideas at the
beginning of each December. One of the best-known former writers is Conan
O’Brien, who contributed to several episodes in the early 1990s before
moving to the Late Night show.
The Simpsons has
six main cast members but episodes will quite often feature guest voices
from a wide range of professions, including actors, athletes, authors,
bands, musicians and scientists. In the earlier seasons, most of the guest
stars voiced characters, but eventually more started appearing as
themselves. The Simpsons holds the world record for "Most Guest Stars
Featured in a Television Series". Famous guest voices include, Britney
Spears, Mel Gibson, Jerry Springer, Martin Sheen, Susan Sarandon, James
Brown, Sting, Sir Ian McKellen, Bill Clinton, George Bush, Jimmy Carter,
Tony Blair, JK Rowling and Mike Bangle (just kidding). However, footballer
David Beckham missed out on being on the show as produces thought he was not
famous enough!
“To Marge and
all the blissful years I’ve spent hiding from her in this bar.” - Homer
Mike Bangle is
the owner of Talking English language consultancy and can be
contacted at mike.bangle(at)phnet.fi
Word List
to feature |
esittää |
to display |
esitellä, panna näytteille |
Reaper |
viikatemies |
closing credits |
elokuvan lopputekstit |
witty |
nokkela, sukkela |
dialogue |
vuoropuhelu |
hilarious |
iloinen, hilpeä |
aloud |
ääneen |
sit com (situation comedy) |
hupiohjelma, komediasarja |
to epitomise |
edustaa, ilmentää |
title family |
elokuvan nimikkoperhe |
fictional |
kuviteltu, fiktiivinen |
to lampoon |
ivata |
safety inspector |
turvatarkastaja |
nuclear power plant |
ydinvoimala |
to be at odds with |
olla ristiriidassa |
buffoonish |
pellemäinen |
anagram |
anagrammi |
precocious |
varhaiskypsä, pikkuvanha |
brat |
kakara, penska |
rarely |
harvoin |
fair game |
luvallinen riista, helppo uhri |
feature film |
kokoillan elokuva |
catch phrase |
iskulause |
sundry |
eri, muu |
textural allusions |
tekstiviittaus |
grunt |
murahdus |
ubiquitous |
kaikkialla läsnä oleva |
apostrophe |
heittomerkki |
dumb |
tyhmä, typerä |
controversial |
kiistanalainen |
rebellious |
kapinoiva |
contribute |
avustaa |
blissful |
onnellinen, autuas |