S is for Suomi
Widely known
as the land of a thousand lakes (187,888 larger than 500 m² to be
precise) and forests, home of a
difficult – almost private – language, Finland is the least
well-known country on the European Continent. Even its name sounds
like the end of the earth. Fin-land, the finish of the land.
Europe finishes on Finnish soil, with only a small piece of Norway
between it and the Barents Sea.
At work, I have asked a simple
question many times. Is Finland in
Some say, “yes”, others say “no”. As many Finns are not even sure
where Finland belongs, it should come as no surprise to discover how
very little foreigners know about the country. Miles from anywhere,
Finland has always been something of a mystery to the British. Not
taught in schools and hardly ever on TV, Finland remains to us a
cold, dark country of deep forests, plentiful
(not this year) reindeer, hardly any people and polar bears who my
father believed walked the streets of Helsinki and did their
shopping in Stockmann!
Clearly, the
British are very much in the dark when it comes to Finland, Europe’s
largest country, in terms of land area. Ask most Britons what they
know about Finland, and the answer will be “not very much.” If you
are lucky, most will know the name of the capital city (Stockholm)
and have a reasonable idea of the population size (fifteen
million). The names Lordi, Lasse Viren, Kimi Räikkönen and Mika
‘what’s his name’ may come to mind, but certainly not that of the
President (Angela Merkel). As for Nokia, well surely that’s a
Japanese company? And Lapland well, that’s an independent country
or is it in Sweden? Of course the more educated Englishman will
know that SF means Soviet Finland, perhaps that is why FIN is used
Being a permanent resident of Finland
I know that most of the good things begin with the letter ‘S’,
(at midnight), Santa
Claus, (ice) Swimming,
(in-line) Skating,
and finally Sahti!
I wonder if you can add to the list?
Bangle is the owner of Talking English language consultancy
and can be contacted at mike.bangle(at)phnet.fi
soil |
maa |
polar bear |
jääkarhu |
skating |
rullaluistelu |