Glass bottle recycling, Finland 10 England
Many readers of this article will be surprised to learn that until
1971 the larger British breweries and soft drink manufacturers such
as Schweppes operated a very successful deposit refund system on
glass bottles. The demise of this system is largely attributed to
the growth of Super and Hypermarkets who favour non-returnable
bottles and, unfortunately, the real power in England lies not with
the Government but with big business.
The Finnish Environmental Legislation of 1978 imposed a product tax
on all beverage containers of one FIM on returnable bottles and
three FIM on non-reusable bottles. It is, however, noted the law
also requires non-reusable bottles to carry a deposit. The
Federation of the Brewing and Soft Drinks Industry (Panimolitto)
which manages the bottle refill system in Finland, reports that in
2004 there were 315 million glass and plastic bottles in circulation
with a return rate of 98.7%, thereby preventing 380,000 tonnes of
waste annually. Contrastingly, in England two million tonnes of
glass currently ends up buried in landfill sites
In 1996, within the E.U. Finland, 79% and England, 90% landfilled
(in terms of percentage) more household waste than any other
country. The very qualities which make glass so suitable as
packaging material - its strength and impermeability - mean that it
is virtually indestructible when buried in the ground. There is,
therefore, a pressing need for both England and Finland to reduce
the amount of glass sent to landfill sites.
Article 36 of the Treaty of Rome includes a seemingly endless list
of trade restrictions imposed legally (and sometimes not so
legally!) by national states, cartels, syndicates and companies on
foodstuffs and beverages. Typical of such examples are the recycling
laws in Denmark where the law in effect precludes the use of
non-returnable bottles for soft drink and beer. Their legislation,
whilst intended as an environmental measure, in effect operates as a
trade barrier, because bottle collection is simply impracticable for
importers. Such laws resulted in Germany, which exports a large
amount of beer to the Danish market, taking restrictive measures by
introducing a 25 cents deposit on plastic bottles for drink. It is
clear in both instances that protection for home industries was the
real motive for the legislation - environmental protection has
emerged as a legitimate ‘excuse’.
In Finland Alko has a virtual monopoly on imported wine and English
beer with its elaborately shaped bottles. The deposit for such
bottles can only be reclaimed from Alko – and sometimes not even
there! The result a significant percentage of these imported bottles
end up in landfill sites.
My recommendation would be for The Federation of the Brewing and
Soft Drinks Industry to lobby the Finnish Government. All imported
bottles, regardless of origin and including those sold in Lidl,
should be of the standard Finnish size. The numerous benefits would
1) protection of the Finnish brewing industry
2) greatly increased recycling rates for imported bottles
3) enhancement of Finland’s reputation as a ‘green country’ and,
4) it might even encourage the British brewing industry to review
its own environmental/recycling performance (or lack of) – then
again maybe not!
Mike Bangle is the owner of Talking English language consultancy and
can be contacted at mike.bangle(at)phnet.fi
Word List
nil |
nolla (urheilussa) |
brewery |
panimo |
soft drink |
virvoitusjuoma |
to operate |
toteuttaa |
deposit |
pantti |
refund |
palautus |
demise |
loppuminen |
environmental legislation |
lainsäädäntö |
to impose |
määrätä |
beverage |
juoma |
end up |
päätyä |
impermeability |
läpäisemättömyys |
indestructible |
mahdoton hävittää |
landfill site |
kaatopaikka |
Treaty of Rome |
Rooman sopimus |
seemingly |
näennäisesti |
restriction |
rajoitus |
to preclude |
mahdottomaksi, estää |
impracticable |
toteuttaa |
environmental measure |
toimenpide |
elaborately |
yksityiskohtaisesti |
lobby |
vaikuttaa päättäjiin, lobata |
to review |
tarkistaa |